Monday 15 September 2014

Breakfast Time!

Good morning everyone, it's not the sunniest start to the day and a little cold so I thought of making myself a breakfast that is hot and delicious, but if course paleo!

I made a little stack of banana pancakes, sandwiched with cashew nut butter and topped with strawberries. I loved these so much and they were perfect for fueling me for my college day. It's great because although you might think you're eating something that looks unhealthy, it's actually perfectly healthy and super delicious to eat!

The Recipe:
Half a banana
1 medium egg
Cashew nut butter

1. Blitz the banana and egg together into a liquid, and add a good shake of cinnamon and blend again.
2. Melt some butter in a pan and pour a little mixture into the pan. Don't try to flip it over if the underside isn't cooked! When it's fried for around 30 seconds or browned underneath, flip it over and brown off the other side.
3. Put it on a plate and smoother with cashew nut butter. Repeat step 2 and layer each pancake between the cashew nut butter. Spread some on top and top with strawberries. Bon appetite!

And that's it! It's so simple you could make them with your eyes closed - although that wouldn't be such a good idea if you want to avoid burnt pancakes ;) You can do lots of different types of pancakes and experiment with many healthy and yummy ingtedients. You could try melting some raw honey and pouring it over the stack, over even top them with blueberries and pour over some double cream. Cream tastes amazing with them but as I've had to ditch dairy due to it causing my face to come out with breakouts, I have to find other ways of creating these pancakes scrumptious.

So, breakfast is over, I'm nicely full and am ready to start my day.
If you want to try them please comment and tell me how it goes, have a great day! X


  1. mmm she told me all about these, I gotta give them a try! :)
