Thursday 4 December 2014

Too early for food?

Eating breakfast early in the morning isn't for everyone, and trying to find something that will give you energy that is also healthy seems to be a problem. I've ran out of the house at half past six many mornings and haven't got up in time to make breakfast, and I usually end up buying something in my way (usually something unhealthy to snack on e.g. a chocolate bar or croissant).
I find that if I eat something in the morning, I will be more awake and fuelled for the day than if I don't. I will also tend to eat healthily throughout the day if I have a healthy breakfast. If I eat something naughty, I will be tempted to keep eating that way all day. So the best thing to do is to start your day with something healthy and full of energy giving foods to give you that nudge out of the front door that you need. Give yourself some extra time in the morning to eat breakfast too! Although you may be getting up early anyway, there's no harm in getting up just ten minutes earlier to make yourself some delicious morning goodness!

Here are a few ideas to get you going:

Fried Egg and Avocado:
I'd seen so many people posting pictures of this breakfast, that I had to try it out myself. Now I wasn't a big fan of avocado till now and it's also a great way of introducing green foods into your morning meals! Fried eggs give you a lot of energy in the mornings and they keep you fuller for longer, stopping you snacking before lunchtime. I'm also adamant about using free range eggs, and you will notice that the hens have been taken care of and feed properly by the colour of the egg yolks. They should be a bright, vivid orange. 
What you need to do:
Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan, crack two eggs into the pan and leave them to fry.  Don't keep trying to move them around! You're more likely to break the yolk and make a mess (cough-cough I may have done that before). When all the egg whites have turned white and the texture of the whites is not longer runny, place on a plate. Spoon out half an avocado and lay on top of the eggs. To finish, crack some black pepper and sea salt all over the avocado and eggs and serve. Delish!

Dairy-free Banana and Strawberry Smoothie:
I absolutely love smoothies and I always have done, especially the banana smoothie from McDonald's. Since becoming lactose intolerant, I thought I'd never get to drink smoothies ever again (bit dramatic I know), until I came across dairy-free alternatives. I've been using Almond Milk for over a month now and it's a brilliant, tasty alternative to milk. It also adds a sweet, nutty flavour to the smoothies which is great if you like that sort of thing. Banana gives it a thicker texture but also when eaten realises energy slowly throughout the day, making it great for busy mornings. The strawberries give it a sweet and tangy kick, and I love to top most of my smoothies with flaxseed, which is full of iron and is very beneficial to your health.
What you need to do:
Slice a banana and a handful of strawberries and place in a food blender. Pour in one cup of almond milk and blitz it all together until smooth. Pour into a glass then top with anything you like! You can sprinkle a spoon of flaxseed, cinnamon or raw cocoa nibs on top. Drink in or take away!

Organic Rice Puffs with Honey and Banana:
This breakfast is so good. The flavours you get from one bowl is incredible! It also looks pretty and, in a way 'professional' but if you're in a hurry you don't need to go all creative. I used Kallo Organic Rice Puffs which are very bland if you eat them on their own, but taste great with all these other accompaniments. I used Organic set honey which is gorgeously smooth and gives this breakfast a natural sweetness, which is also good for you. This meal is light in texture so adding the dried fruit (not too much though as they aren't as healthy as you think) and desiccated coconut gives it a crunch and bite.
What you need to do:
Pour the rice puffs into a bowl and pour over the almond milk. slice up a banana and place down one side of the bowl. Then drizzle a line of honey alongside the banana. Sprinkle a small handful of coconut down the middle, then add the dried fruit beside it. Sprinkle some cinnamon over the banana (optional). I like to have a hot cup of black tea to warm me up too. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed this blog and please try them out yourselves! They're simple, healthy and delicious to eat. Please feel free to comment below on how you've done or share your own versions of the recipes by linking a photo. Thank you and have a nice day! :D

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